Vätterundan takes place tomorrow 14/6.
Shops and cafes, restaurants, etc. are open from 20:00 to 24:00.
At 20:00, Mie Hellberg starts Zumba on the plateau below the square.
Go there and shake your furry and enjoy a girl filled with positive energy!!!
At the museum there will be a concert at 21:00
There will also be a small report on Vätterundan in tomorrow’s JP.
Gränna Näringsliv also advertises in Tranås Tidning’s summer supplement, which is published.
on Tuesday next week. It also promotes the county card, which we hope will be successful.
Hope you have a nice Vätternrunda with many happy and willing visitors!
Regards Sussi Lundell Gränna Näringsliv