Hello all of you who are passionate about Grevskapet Gränna – Visingsö, Grönklittgruppen together with the advertising agency Media Väst, together with the Business Associations in Gränna and Visingsö, invite you to a unique opportunity to participate in a 32 – page magazine to create even better conditions for the hospitality industry during the high season but also to extend the seasons and be able to attract new visitors to us!
The Grönklitt group has good experience of the outcome!
Read the content and come to the meeting on 4/12.
Location: Wisingsö Hotel & Conference
Time: 18 -21, (adapted to ferry times, of course).
The deadline for registration is 2/12:
Erik Havemose, Chairman Gränna Näringsliv 0705-91 02 18, erikhavemose@havemoseconsulting.se
Bengt Svensson, Project Manager Visingsö
info@wisingso.se or bengtannika@telia.com