Jönköping municipality is conducting a speed review in urban areas. Now it is the turn of Gränna, among others. The municipality has sent out according to the mailing list included in this email.
The Board of the Business Association thinks it is important that all members, including those who we hope will become members, should be aware of this consultation and have the opportunity to make comments.
As indicated in the mailing list, the deadline for responses is January 15, 2014. The Board intends to draft a response immediately after the Epiphany, so we would like to receive your comments by January 6. Respond by email info@grannanaringsliv.se All responses that include names will be included in the Business Association’s consultation response to the municipality. If there is no response, the Board will interpret this as meaning that you think the municipality’s proposal is OK.
Also attached are principle drawings of possible designs for the gate and pedestrian passages.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes you all!