Support the art project ”Balloonists” – Calle Örnemark’s portal to Gränna – by becoming a shareholder.
Together we create a unique symbol of our homeland.


Your input is needed!

For some time now, artist Calle Örnemark’s monumental sculpture ”Balloonists” has been on display in the roundabout at the entrance to Gränna. And you couldn’t possibly have missed it. In a very short time, it has become one of the most visible works of art in the country, where, thanks to volunteers and support, it now stands as a gateway to the city. It is a symbol of our region and something we can be proud to have achieved. Now it’s just a matter of securing the sculpture for the future, something we hope many people will want to be involved in.

Gränna Näringslivsförening now offers everyone in the area, private individuals, associations and companies, to buy shares in the artwork to cover the renovation costs but above all to build up a capital to ensure future maintenance of the artwork.

We want the ”Balloonists” to become the entire community’s work of art and will therefore sell a total of 1200 shares of SEK 500.
Each purchase results in a share certificate, and purchases of 10 or more shares also give the buyer an inscription on a brass plate next to the artwork.

So take the opportunity to become a shareholder in this unique work of art, while also contributing to future generations being able to experience it. The easiest way to buy your share is to deposit SEK 500 on Gränna Näringsliv’s bank account 5813-1053, which has been set up especially for this purpose. Enter ”Balloon” + name and address on the payment. All shareholders will then also be published on Gränna Näringslivsföreningen’s website, You can also find more information about the project there.

Welcome as a shareholder!

Georg Svensson, Gränna Business Association
Project manager Rondellballongen