For the 2021 summer season
Gränna Näringslivsförening collaborates with Jönköping’s business office to see how we can meet the summer in Gränna in the best possible way.


It would be appreciated if we could get your views, thoughts and ideas on how to manage the restrictions during the summer. What problems need to be solved, what can we do ourselves, what could the municipality help us with.

We had a first meeting on April 21 with information about the restrictions and rules that apply. The next meeting will be on 27/5 at 18.00.

Gränna Näringsliv and Jönköping municipality’s business office have a common desire to solve the problems that exist in the best possible way.

With this pandemic, there are no ready-made answers and solutions, so we need to do this together.


  • Please send me information on what kind of help you would like to have during the summer.
  • Please also let us know if you have any suggestions or tips for measures that would help trade during the summer.


We collect and compile the material so we have a common basis from Gränna when we continue to work together with the municipality and other authorities to make the summer as good as possible for our businesses and our visitors.

With kind regards
Bo Segersson, 070-339 65 65 65,

Gränna Business Association