Information on mines from the Knowledge Channel

Information on mines from the Knowledge Channel

Kunskapskanalen broadcasts three of the presentations from the Gränna seminar ”Mines in focus”, April 2.

16.50 Journalist and author Arne Müller talks about mining in Sweden.

18.00 Nils Johansson, researcher in environmental technology, talks about Mining and recycling.

18.35 Rolf Hallberg, professor emeritus of microbial geochemistry, talks about the special nature of Lake Vättern.
seabed geology. What does Lake Vättern look like and how was it formed?

Kunskapskanalen broadcasts three of the presentations from the Gränna seminar ”Mines in focus” on April 3.

17.05 Olof Holmstrand professor emeritus in hydrogeological environmental engineering, tells what his
research has shown about land at mines.

17.45 Eva-Lotta Thunqvist, PhD in soil and water engineering, explains how mining dams are built.
and which location is best.

18.10 Panel discussion with ”Mines in focus”. A panel gives its views on the environmental impact of a
mining project on Lake Vättern.

Information on mines from the Knowledge Channel

Minutes of the annual meeting

MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF GRÄNNA NÄRINGSLIVSFÖRENING Time: 2014-03-10 at 18.30 Place: Smålandsgården, Örserum.

Paragraph 1 The meeting was opened by the Chair, Erik Havemose.

2 Erik Havemose was elected Chairman of the meeting.

3 Ewa Jonsson was elected secretary of the meeting.

4 Erik Havemose and Kent Palm were elected to verify the minutes. 5 a. The timing of the annual meeting was discussed due to the decision at the 2013 annual meeting to revise the statutes. See paragraph ”Other”.

b. The invitation to the annual meeting was sent out in good time.

6 The agenda for the annual meeting was adopted.

7 The Board’s annual report and activity report were read out by Erik Havemose. The Board of Directors proposes that the profit for the year be carried forward.

8 The audit report was read out by Lova Roman.

9 The income statement and balance sheet were adopted.

10 The AGM discharged the Board from liability.

11 It was decided that no fee would be paid to the Board.

12 It was decided that the annual fee is unchanged: 200 SEK for companies (1800 deductible service fee), 500 SEK for associations and 200 SEK for supporting members without voting rights.

13 Item 12 of the agenda is deleted.

14 It was decided that the Board shall consist of a maximum of 11 and a minimum of 7 members and a maximum of 6 alternates. Currently, the Board consists of 7 members and 5 alternates.

15 Erik Havemose was elected Chairman of the Board.

16 Election of the board: New election for 2 years Janne Nilsson Peter Samuelsson Jörgen Folkesson New election for 1 year Calle Roman 1 year left Georg Svensson Ewa Jonsson

Election of deputy directors for 1 year each: Lisa Sunesson Carl Wisborg Gisela Karlsson Rod Wiberg Peter Ottosson

17 Election of auditors for 1 year each: Henrik Berggren Lova Roman Election of alternate auditor for 1 year: Sigge Axelsson

18 Håkan Joriksson was elected as a co-opted member.

19 Election of Nomination Committee: New election Sussie Lundell 1 year left Rolf Pettersson 2 years left Kent Palm

20 Other issues a. It was decided according to the annual meeting minutes from 2013 that the annual meeting of Gränna Näringslivsförening should be held before the end of February. b. It was decided that the agenda would be adjusted for the next annual meeting. Paragraph 12 ’The Board’s proposal for an operational plan and budget’. This is determined at the inaugural board meeting after the annual meeting.

21 Erik Havemose thanked outgoing Board members Caisa Björndahl, Lena Hammarstedt, Sussie Lundell and Caroline Larsson (who were not present) and the Chairman of the Nomination Committee Inger Krantz.

22 The Chair closed the annual meeting. Gränna 2014-03-10

At the pencil Aligned

Ewa Jonsson Erik Havemose Kent Palm

Minutes Annual Meeting 140310 as PDF file

More visitors to Gränna & Visingsö

More visitors to Gränna & Visingsö

A multi-year collaboration between the business associations and Jönköpings-Posten where we jointly work for more visitors to Grevskapet means that we compile all events and that Jönköpings-Posten spreads this through both Hallpressen and Gränna Tidning.

An eventful summer. Many events are underway in Gränna and on Visingsö that will be presented in the spring, and there are many indications that this summer will be the most exciting in many years. It is already clear that Sweden’s humor elite is coming to the Vätter stage with Sunny Standup.

Well-known concepts like Allsång i Gränna Hamn continue, this year with the news that in addition to the national broadcasts, the programs are also broadcast in Swedish Radio Jönköping, Östergötland, Skaraborg, Värmland and West. This brings the program to over a million listeners and puts the county firmly on the map. Allsången is organized by Fest i Grevskapet in cooperation with Sveriges Radio P4.
The business associations encourage their members and other businesses in the area to advertise in Gränna Tidning. Jönköpings-Posten gives back by generously supporting events in Grevskapet that benefit everyone. This is also a long-term and financially secure solution to a problem that has existed for some time.
for several years.

If you have questions about advertising in Gränna Tidning, contact Eva Sandegren at Jönköpings-Posten, tel 0390-61 51 01.


Gränna Tidning 2014

Gränna Tidning 2014

Gränna Tidning is an annual tourist magazine in tabloid format and is published as a
annex with JP on Tuesday, May 13. Our aim is to present the entire
entrepreneurship in Gränna/Visingsö and the surrounding area. In addition, we print
as a tourist magazine in 40 000 copies. It is distributed to shops, hotels,
restaurants, petrol stations and other strategic locations where tourists visit
can find the magazine from week 21 and throughout the summer.
The initiative also includes two half-pages in all six issues of Hallpressen.
newspapers (Jönköpings-Posten, Värnamo Nyheter, Smålands-Tidningen,
SmålandsDagblad, Vetlanda-Posten and Tranås Tidning).
The Hallpress advertisement reaches a total of 209,000 readers and features
various activities taking place in Gränna/Visingsö during the summer.
This will again this year attract many people living in Jönköping county to
make excursions to Gränna/Visingsö.

Gränna Tidning_2014_26Feb

Information on mines from the Knowledge Channel

Invitation to the annual meeting

Notice of annual meeting of Gränna Näringslivsförening Time: Monday, March 10, 2014, kl. 18:30 Place: Smålandsgården, Örserum.

1. Election of the chairman of the annual meeting

2. Announcement of the Board’s choice of secretary for the annual meeting

3. Election of a person to verify the minutes

4. Whether the notice of the annual meeting has been duly issued.

5. adoption of the agenda for the annual meeting

6. Annual report of the Management Board

7. Auditors’ report

8. adoption of the income statement and balance sheet

9. decision on the discharge of the Board of Directors

10. Question on the remuneration of the Board of Directors

11. Determination of annual fees

12. The Board’s proposal for the operating plan and budget

13. determination of the number of members and alternates of the Board of Directors

14. Election of the Chair of the Management Board

15. Election of other Board members and alternates

16. Election of two auditors and one alternate auditor

17. Election of the Nomination Committee

18. Other business

19. Other issues
