My questions concern how you see the availability of payment services in Gränna – i.e. the possibility of depositing daily takings, depositing and withdrawing cash for associations and private individuals, and the possibility of paying bills via an agent (over the counter).

I and my colleague Emanuel Schmit, from the Regional Development Unit at the County Administrative Board, monitor payment services annually. Gränna has several service points for payment services today – an ATM, two payment agents and two services for daily cash deposits. Without this service, the journey would be much longer for individuals, associations and businesses.

Do you in Gränna Näringsliv see any risks that the current level of service would deteriorate in the future? What would they be and how could they be solved? Do you see any particular opportunities/challenges for older people or people with disabilities?

I am happy to receive your comment(s) by email or phone! If you prefer the telephone, you can call at any time between 08:30 and 16:00 this week on 010-22 36 263 or switchboard 010-22-36 000. Or you can email me a time when it is convenient for me to call you and we can discuss the issues.

With kind regards,

Leida Sergo, Administrator Rural Department Unit for Regional Development County Administrative Board of Jönköping County 551 86 JÖNKÖPING, Sweden and enslandsbygd

Tel. 010-22 36 263 Switchboard. 010-22 36 000

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