Wir treffen uns am 5.5. um 08.00 Uhr in Bergströms Küche, um uns gegenseitig zu informieren und uns für die kommende Sommersaison in Grevskapet ”aufzumuntern”. Es wird ein leichtes Frühstück serviert.
Aus dem Programm: Calle Tollén spricht über die neue Destination Jönköping, das Grenna Hotel (ehemals Ribbagården) berichtet über seine Aktivitäten, Preview of the Artists at Allsången usw.
Wenn Sie eine interessante Geschichte zu erzählen haben, erhalten Sie während der Sitzung ein paar Minuten Zeit.
We gather at Bergströms kitchen 5/5 at 08.00 to inform each other and ”pep” for the upcoming summer season in Grevskapet. A light breakfast is served.
From the program: Calle Tollén talks about the new Destination Jönköping, Grenna Hotel (formerly Ribbagården) talks about its activities, Preview of the Artists on Allsången etc.
If you have an interesting story to tell, you will have a few minutes during the meeting.
The new board consists of Erik Havemose chairman, Lisa Sunesson vice chairman, Ewa Jonsson secretary, Peter Samuelsson, Janne Nilsson, Jörgen Folkesson, Calle Roman, Georg Svensson all members. Deputies are Carl Wisborg, Gisela Karlsson, Rod Wiberg and Peter Ottosson.
Der neue Vorstand besteht aus Erik Havemose als Vorsitzendem, Lisa Sunesson als stellvertretender Vorsitzender, Ewa Jonsson als Sekretärin, Peter Samuelsson, Janne Nilsson, Jörgen Folkesson, Calle Roman und Georg Svensson als Mitgliedern. Stellvertreter sind Carl Wisborg, Gisela Karlsson, Rod Wiberg und Peter Ottosson.
Kunskapskanalen broadcasts three of the presentations from the Gränna seminar ”Mines in focus”, April 2.
16.50 Journalist and author Arne Müller talks about mining in Sweden.
18.00 Nils Johansson, researcher in environmental technology, talks about Mining and recycling.
18.35 Rolf Hallberg, professor emeritus of microbial geochemistry, talks about the special nature of Lake Vättern.
seabed geology. What does Lake Vättern look like and how was it formed?
Kunskapskanalen broadcasts three of the presentations from the Gränna seminar ”Mines in focus” on April 3.
17.05 Olof Holmstrand professor emeritus in hydrogeological environmental engineering, tells what his
research has shown about land at mines.
17.45 Eva-Lotta Thunqvist, PhD in soil and water engineering, explains how mining dams are built.
and which location is best.
18.10 Panel discussion with ”Mines in focus”. A panel gives its views on the environmental impact of a
mining project on Lake Vättern.