The Vandal Academy – a meeting place for art, business and science!

The Vandal Academy – a meeting place for art, business and science!

Hello good friends and good acquaintances, I am lucky to have a wife who is both talented and likes me, now she invites you to an exciting session and start-up with the Vandal Academy on 30/8 – 31/8, it would be really nice to see some of you there!
Sincerely, Erik.

Since February 1 this year, Karin has been working on the task of developing Research and Education activities at Vandalorum – center for art & design, within the

The practice of creation: entrepreneurship and media opportunities
– a very exciting assignment in collaboration with Linnaeus University and Jönköping University.

An important part of the mission is to create meetings between practice and academia, which is done, among other things, through the establishment of the

The Vandal Academy – a meeting place for art, business and science!

Here is the Invitation to the Premiere on the last weekend in August. We would be delighted if you are able to participate. It will be an exciting program with participants from practice and academia – from different spheres of interest – from different parts of the country. Feel free to bring company!

Vandalorum August

Gränna Tidning summer 2013

Gränna Tidning summer 2013

The tourist edition of Gränna Tidning is now available at JP’s editorial office, Sjögatan 29 in Gränna. Hand out to your customers and visitors. Call Eva to make an appointment to pick up or if you can’t, call Eva and she can deliver to you. Eva’s phone number is 0390-615101

Gränna Tidning summer 2013

Gränna Tidning Sommer 2013

Die touristische Ausgabe von Gränna Tidning ist ab sofort in der JP-Redaktion, Sjögatan 29 in Gränna, erhältlich. Verteilen Sie diese an Ihre Kunden und Besucher. Rufen Sie Eva an, um einen Termin für die Abholung zu vereinbaren, oder rufen Sie Eva an, wenn Sie keine Zeit haben, und sie kann zu Ihnen liefern. Evas Telefonnummer lautet 0390-615101

Jönköping-Posten summer magazine

Members of the Gränna and Visingsö business associations are offered a 25% discount on advertising prices in JP’s summer magazine. The magazine will be published on June 11 and advertisements must be booked by May 28. More information and prices are available in the leaflet you can read here Turisttidningen2013komp.