Members of the Management Board and other functions

Board of Directors

Mobil: 0768-082 24 24
Categories: Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Vice ordförande
Mobil: 0704-972 471
Categories: Medlemsgruppen, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Telefon arbete: 0390-41085
Categories: Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Telefon arbete: 08-447 56 01
Categories: Citygruppen, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Mobil: 070 8544 945
Categories: Aktivitets och besöksnäringsgruppen, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Mobil: 0706-163 480
Categories: Matrunda, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Mobil: 070-6040607
Categories: Citygruppen, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Mobil: 0704 504 039
Categories: Styrelsesuppleant
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Categories: Styrelsen
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Telefon arbete: 0390-120 96
Categories: Revisorer
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Categories: Revisorer
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Nomination Committee

Categories: Valberedning
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.
Valberedning Trolska Båtturer AB
Mobil: 0708-602 091
Categories: Valberedning
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Other functions

Mobil: 0733538855
Categories: Övriga funktioner
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Adjungerad Jönköpings Kommun, Näringslivsavdelningen
Telefon arbete: 036-105508 Mobil: 0707-625 853
Categories: Övriga funktioner
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Matrunt Gränna

Mobil: 0706-163 480
Categories: Matrunda, Styrelsen
Updated 3 months ago. Return to top.