Save the date! Member meetings with Gränna Näringslivsförening in spring 2023.

Save the date! Member meetings with Gränna Näringslivsförening in spring 2023.

During the spring, two meetings at Gyllene Uttern with Gränna Näringslivsförening are now booked!

Everyone is welcome to meet representatives from the board of Gränna Näringslivsföreningen and other entrepreneurs in Gränna over a nice breakfast and/or lunch at Gyllene Uttern. A great opportunity for you to come and network with us in Gränna’s business community. Exchange experiences, share ideas and get tips and guidance on various issues and challenges.

We will also invite inspiring guests to share their experiences in different areas! More information on the theme of each meeting will be announced shortly!

Dates to watch:
Thursday 2/3 2023 Lunch at 12:00
Thursday 4/5 2023 Breakfast at 08:00 a.m.

More information on registration and costs will follow.

With kind regards
Cecilia Andersson, Member Group
Tel: 070-497 24 71

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – is now a protected geographical indication.

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – is now a protected geographical indication.

Genuine Gränna
Polka dots

Yes, my God, this is great that just like champagne has a protected designation, we will also be able to boast this medal for tradition and quality with Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar (protected geographical indication).

From the very beginning, we (the candy cane group in the Gränna business association) were commissioned by the government via the Swedish Board of Agriculture to receive help from the household society in the county of Skaraborg. They sent two gentlemen, Odd Nygård and Svenerik Larsson, to help us apply. After more than four years of writing and waiting, it is ready .🍾How big this is is difficult to take in but in Ex Germany, Italy France it is a stamp of quality and local delicacies. Something people are looking for and really want. It will be great to be able to use this in our advertising. This will affect all the kitchens that put the stamp on their products, on their shelves, in their windows, in advertising, etc. It will also affect everyone around such as restaurants and hotels when people want to come here. It feels so good in my heart that all local bakers should be able to straighten their backs and feel proud of their craft and their profession. I think Amalia Eriksson would be very happy and satisfied with what she started and how we all managed our heritage. There are many people in this small town who, with their work with candy canes, have been a step towards this. So a big congratulations to everyone who in some way worked with Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar! This is a medal for the whole community.

Amalia initially made funeral, christening and wedding confectionery. She also started making a smaller version of candy canes in the form of small ’pillows’. In order for her to have an income to survive, Amalia sought permission from the Magistrate in Gränna. On January 10, 1859, Amalia received permission with the statement:

Married in Grenna on January 10, 1859

Since the applicant, according to the presented priest’s certificate, has reached the age of majority and has committed the Lord’s Holy Communion and is in good health, the Magistrate finds, pursuant to § 12 1 mom. in Kongl. The Crafts Ordinance of December 22, 1846, no obstacle to the Applicant, as a means of livelihood here in the City with their own hands to engage in ”Bakery management, variety of coarse and fine bread and the manufacture of so-called Polka dots”.

The then mayor of the town of Gränna, Carl Johan Wennberg, had to sign this letter of privilege, which enabled Amalia to make a full-time living by baking and selling candy canes. This was unusual, as the reform of business freedom for women and men did not come until 1864.

Read more on Wikipedia >>

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – for Polkagris artisans

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – for Polkagris artisans

To declare that you make ”Äkta Gränna polkagrisar” and use the seal on your polkagris paper, you must:

  1. Go to and continue to Business, rules & controls.
  2. Select forms Select other areas – forms Scroll down to form ”Notification of manufacture of a protected name LIVS 324 PDF
  3. Complete the form and save it to your computer.
  4. Send it to
  5. Now you are ready.

Environment and Health will call you and arrange a visit with you. Once they have approved you, it is time to contact the chairman of Gränna Näringslivsföreningen and tell them/apply to use the stamp.

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – press release

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – press release

Gränna 2022-06-21

Genuine Gränna Polka pigs get a protected designation of origin

The European Commission has decided to protect Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar through the EU quality scheme for protected designations of origin. The product is thus registered with a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) for this unique product that has been made in Gränna since 1859.

”I am so very proud that we have finally received this label that ensures the quality of a historic product manufactured in Gränna. The production of Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar in Gränna is a cultural heritage of a unique product. When you buy a genuine candy cane, you should know that it is made by hand with the right ingredients in the old tradition. This geographical origin labeling ensures the quality of this historic product, which is only produced in Gränna,” says Catrin Kvist, local project manager at Gränna Närlingslivsförening.

An internationally renowned label for the food enthusiast

Gränna is one of Sweden’s biggest tourist destinations and most Swedes know where the real candy cane is made. For the conscious European, this label of origin is well known and a guarantee of a unique product well worth experiencing on site in Gränna.

”It’s fantastic that a decision has been taken at European level to label the origin of this unique product. The label is not as well known in Sweden as it is at the European level and we of course hope that this will further strengthen Gränna as a destination for tourists interested in food and solid craftsmanship of quality from all over the world”, says Bo Segersson, Chairman of Gränna Näringslivsförening.

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar – a historic and unique product

For a product to be protected by the EU as a ’Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)’, it must have a clear geographical origin.

Amalia Eriksson in Gränna started manufacturing the polka-dotted pig as early as 1859, having received approval from the Gränna magistrate on January 10, 1859 to start manufacturing and selling this product. Today, 163 years later, there are 13 active candy cane producers in Gränna making the product according to the original recipe and traditional craftsmanship.

Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar is made from sugar, water and vinegar boiled into a sugar mass. Next, Hotchkiss peppermint oil from America is added and then the color is added.

”This is really a recognition for all of us who produce this origin-labeled product in Gränna according to old traditions”, concludes Catrin Kvist.

The Polkagris group in Gränna Närlingslivsförening started working on an application already in 2017 to get the name Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar protected by the EU quality system at the Swedish Food Agency. After the application was submitted, an inspector from the Finnish Food Authority came to inspect and ensure the baking process. Now five years later, Äkta Gränna Polkagrisar has finally received this unique label along with only a few other products in Sweden.

Press contact:

Catrin Kvist
Project manager and polka-dot ice cream maker in Gränna
+46 (0) 720 88 69 89

Bo Segersson
Chairman Gränna Business Association
+46 (0) 703 39 65 65


















Matrundan Gränna 26-29 May

Matrundan Gränna 26-29 May

For most of the year, we keep our local production, farm shops, cafes and restaurants running. During the last weekend in May, all participants will keep their businesses open during Matrundan Gränna. A great food event where you have the chance to visit our businesses and meet the people behind our locally produced food.

Read more here>>

Gränna Näringslivsförening invites you to an information meeting with the Police, Säkra Försäkringar and Verisure Larm.

Gränna Näringslivsförening invites you to an information meeting with the Police, Säkra Försäkringar and Verisure Larm.

Why In recent years, several companies have been exposed to burglary and other criminal events, thus we in Gränna Näringslivsförening believe that it is of great importance to carry out this information meeting together with the Police, Säkra Försäkringar and Verisure Larm.

When: March 17, 08:00-09:30 am

Location: Gyllene Uttern Conference

Cost: The lecture is free for members and breakfast is provided, for non-members there is a fee of 75 kr.

Registration: No later than March 14 by emailing or

We closely follow the developments and recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and send out updates to participants about what applies before the meeting.

Welcome with your registration!

Gränna Business Association